Childbirth Preparation


Childbirth Preparation Series:

Having a baby is exciting and a little overwhelming all at the same time.  Most likely you have heard a scary story or two, and in general the portrayal of birth in modern times is not necessarily positive.                      We would like to counter that with some positive and practical ways to view and approach this amazing experience.  And we think it is really important to include information about caring for your baby once they have emerged. So we have that covered here!

It is important to us to give you balanced information. Our instructors have taken great care to develop a curriculum that is thorough, unbiased and includes practical information for you and your primary support partner. 

This 5 week series can be taken at any point in your pregnancy, although we recommend attending this class early enough to absorb the information and practice the mindfulness aspects in preparation for your birth experience. (finishing up by 34-35 weeks is ideal)

Week 1 – The Big Day – How the body works in birth – Navigating your options, choices and potential interventions – Stepping into your power, and welcoming your birth journey

Week 2 – Brain Training & Mindfulness for Birth and Beyond – So much of the birth and parenting experience is affected by your psychological and emotional state.  Having tools to tap into ways to use your psychosomatic self to have the best possible experience is the focus here

Week 3 – Breast/Chestfeeding Essentials – This will class will give you the knowledge and confidence to feed your baby right from the start, smoothing the transition to parenthood.

Week 4 – Bringing Baby Home – Diaper changes, car seats, bathing, babywearing, sleeping (or not), all the little things that no one gives you a manual for! 

Week 5 – Embracing & Planning for your Transition to Parenthood – this often overlooked “Fourth Trimester” is just as important, if not more, than all the other Trimesters. Being a little bit prepared and knowing what resources are available to you can go a long way to a much smoother start to the early days of the new life you are making.

Full Series Fee = $300.00 per birthing team




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If  none of the dates for group classes work for your schedule or if you would prefer a private session, just email us to arrange that. (

Private classes can be held in your home, in our office, or via Zoom.

They are generally 4-6 hours in length and cover Weeks 1 & 2.

Private Class Fee = $250.00 per birthing team

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When your “work” is support, you do your best work if you are supported. And so the collaboration that is Foundations is really just how we are “walking our talk”.

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