
We believe the value of supportive care extends beyond the moments of birth. Everything we have learned and observed so far tells us that it really does take a village to raise a human, to be a parent, to fully embrace the human experience.  Each pregnancy, birth, and postnatal period is unique to the people involved, but there are some definite similarities and common threads.  For almost every challenge there is a solution.  Below you will find a listing of local businesses, both private and public, that offer services or products that can serve to provide you with these solutions.

Health Care Providers

FMON: Family Medical Obstetrics Network

Family Physicians who deliver are a great choice for women with low risk pregnancies.  The low intervention approach of these physicians supports families through pregnancy, birth and the early post natal period. They are trained to care for both mother and baby, with a focus on normal physiologic birth.

These Doctors deliver at both St. Boniface General and Women’s Hospital.  Their biographies and contact info can be found here.

We highly recommend choosing one of these Doctors for low risk pregnancies!

College of Midwives of Manitoba

“Midwife” means “with woman”. We are trained specialists who care for women throughout pregnancy and childbirth. More than 80 percent of babies world-wide are born into the caring, skillful hands of a midwife.

A midwife is a person who has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally licensed to practice midwifery in Manitoba. She must be able to give the necessary care and advice to women during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, to conduct deliveries on her own responsibility, and to care for the infant and the mother. This care includes preventive measures, the detection of abnormal conditions in the mother and child, accessing medical assistance when necessary and taking emergency measures in the absence of medical help. The midwife will have a mechanism for consultation, referral, continued involvement and collaboration.

~excerpt from College of Midwives of Manitoba website.

An Obstetrician is a physician or surgeon qualified to practice in obstetrics. They are trained to identify and treat conditions occurring in high risk pregnancies, along with performing surgery when necessary.

There are several Obstetrical groups serving the two Winnipeg hospitals, and a referral from a family physician is generally needed to make an appointment. Ask your friends, or your doula who they recommend, check out RateMD, know that you can meet more than one doctor before deciding who is best suited for your care.

Obstetricians usually work in groups, so there is no guarantee that the doctor you see for your prenatal visits will be on call the day of delivery.  It is important to feel comfortable with the general philosophy of care of the group as a whole.  If you have a specific idea of how you would like to approach the birth process, be sure your doctor and their group will support you in that.

Body Care Practitioners

The following Chiropractic clinics have specialized training to treat and care for the pregnant body, the newborn body, children and youth.

Check them out!

Mommy & Me Family Chiropractic

Family First Chiropractic

Two Rivers Chiropractic

Vera Chiropractic

Aspen Therapy –  Mary Pat McNaught is an Osteopathic manual Practitioner that specializes in working with infants and Breastfeeders.  The clinic is located at 222-530 Kenaston Blvd in Winnipeg.  The phone number tobook an appointment is  204-896-3412 or she can be reached by email –

Prota Clinic was created with the philosophy to provide proactive detection and guidance to assist you in improving your health, longevity, and quality of life. Our goal is to provide a holistic and integrative approach to health and wellness; this ensures that all clients have the opportunity to receive comprehensive assessments from a multidisciplinary perspective, all in one convenient location.  Find us at 4-930 Lorimer Blvd, or call (204)837-7682 to make an appointment today.

Nova Physiotherapy offers treatment for those issues specific to the female population such as pre- and post-partum issues, exercise throughout pregnancy, blocked milk ducts during breast feeding, and lymphedema following breast cancer surgery.  Find out more!

Seine River Physiotherapy

Feeding Your Baby

Many breastfeeding families will tell you that the first few weeks of feeding their newborn was unexpectedly challenging.  While breastfeeding is a physiologically normal act, it is still something new for both mom and baby to learn.  Having support is important.  If you have a Doula you will have support available to you, but what if you don’t have a Doula or you encounter challenges outside of her scope?

There are several ways to get expert support in our province.

If your primary care provider is a Midwife, you will receive in home visits after the baby is born, and continuous care for the first 6 weeks postnatally.

If your primary care provider is a Doctor, you will receive in hospital instruction and support by your nurses, and you can ask to see a Lactation Consultant while you are in hospital if you need additional support.  The Consultants see people in order of need.

Most new families will be contacted by their local Public Health Nurse to see if they need any support or a home visit.  The Public Health Nurse is trained to provide basic breastfeeding support and knows how to access additional support if needed.

Additionally there are a few Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) that provide in home support for a fee.  They will come to you in home/hospital to assess and advise, then do a follow up phone call to determine if a second visit is necessary.

One organization is La Leche League of Canada. LLLC Leaders are trained volunteers, with a year or more of experience breastfeeding or chestfeeding one or more children offering information, encouragement and support from pregnancy through to weaning. Leaders are available through email or the warm line at (204)257-3509  Find out more!

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority also has breastfeeding clinics open to the public.  Your Public Health Nurse will give you up to date information about the clinic in your area. Find out more!

Coming soon
Coming soon

Pre & Post Baby Classes

Fit Together offers many different classes suited to both the pregnant and postnatal body!  Their trained instructors provide information and support in biomechanically correct and safe yoga and exercise.  Find out more!

Totally Fit Mom provides personal training and group class options.  Find out more! [/tab]

Infant massage is a wonderful way to connect with your baby.  These classes are well suited for all primary care givers and work best with babies under 5 months of age.  We are happy to provide regular instruction series to our clients and the general public.  Find out more!
Little Signing Stars provides classes in several different locations including Tiny Treehugger. The program combines basic signs with songs and activities to develop your baby’s first words. Baby Sign Language has been proven to stimulate the brain unique way and also be an effective way to communicate.  Find out more!


Postpartum Depression affects as much as 15% of families, and it is estimated that an even higher number of families experience the Baby Blues.  How can you tell if you have Postpartum Depression?  Where can you get help?

We have a wonderful resource in our province, in the form of the Postpartum Depression Association of Manitoba 

In addition to this resource, a family in need can access their family physician, Midwife, and the Public Health Nurse in their area.

Postpartum Depression can affect anyone, you are not alone!

What is a Postnatal Doula?  The role of a Postnatal Doula can vary depending on the need of the mother.  Ultimately her goal is to ‘mother the mother’.  This may be in the form of providing support, encouragement, information and reassurance.  The Postnatal Doula will happily provide help with basic household care, food prep, older sibling minding and newborn care (so that mom can nap or connect with her other child(ren)).

The number of hours and length of time period a family uses the services of a Postnatal Doula is different in every situation.  Whatever your family needs in order to have a positive start to your new family dynamic, is what is right for you!

Sacred Healing offers holistic healing packages in person or online to help you on your journey of healing from a difficult childbirth experience. Packages focus on healing mind, body and spirit and can be in your own home right after birth for mom, your partner and babe or one on one sessions in my cozy office any time you feel ready. It’s never too late to do this healing work.

Find out more here!

Websites and Books

  • The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
  • Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
  • Birthing From Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz
  • Hypnobirthing the Morgan Method by Marie F. Morgan
  • Birth Your Way By Sheila Kitzinger
  • The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger
  • The Birth Book by Dr William Sears and Martha Sears
  • Water Birth: A Midwife’s Perspective by Suzanna Napierala. 
  • The VBAC Companion: The Expectant Mother’s Guide to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean by Diana Korte
  • Prenatal Yoga & Natural Childbirth, 2nd Ed by Jeannine Parvati-Baker
  • Spinning Babies – techniques for keeping baby in a good position for birth and labour relief –

Odds and Ends

Placentophagy has become quite popular in the mainstream the last few years.  If this is something you are interested in exploring there are a few encapsulation services in our province.

Winnipeg Placenta Encapsulation

There are many different kinds of keepsakes that appeal to parents.  Here are just a few and some local or on line resources

Breastmilk Jewelry: This has become much more popular in recent years and there are many on line companies available now that will take a sample amount of your breastmilk and turn it into a keepsake piece of jewelry.  In Winnipeg we have a talented local artist that creates these memorable pieces.  You can browse her gallery here:  North Faun

Birth Blessing rituals can be an emotionally rewarding way to prepare for the birth experience.  Sometimes they take the place of the typical baby shower, or are an additional ritual.

About Us!

When your “work” is support, you do your best work if you are supported. And so the collaboration that is Foundations is really just how we are “walking our talk”.

Learn more about our collaborators… Read More about “Collaborators”

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