Carolina Konrad, Birth Doula

I was drawn to birth support after my experience birthing my two daughters with the support of a Doula. Feeling supported and being awed by these experiences motivates me to offer the opportunity of that experience to all.

As a Birth Doula, I aim to support both women and their partners in feeling heard, informed and empowered in whatever birth setting they choose.

I believe that birth can, and should be a positive experience for all, one that guides a woman towards her own innate wisdom and strength.  I believe in the intuitiveness of a woman’s body to labour and birth, and I understand the importance of holding space in order for her to tap into that intuition and lister to her body. I believe in informed consent, that knowledge is power and that every woman deserves to have a committed team holding her emotionally, mentally and physically into motherhood

In order to be present and supporting my developing daughters, I am currently offering Doula support as part of our Doula Team.  I look forward to being part of your journey.

To find out more about our birth support team, click here:

To make a date to meet up with us and talk over your support needs you can click here to


About Us!

When your “work” is support, you do your best work if you are supported. And so the collaboration that is Foundations is really just how we are “walking our talk”.

Learn more about our collaborators… Read More about “Collaborators”

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