Birth Stories

Something New

Birth is a unique experience, each time. The first time our only point of reference is whatever we have been told, heard or seen through family, friends and the world at large.  After that first time, our birth experiences are woven together with threads from the previous birth(s).   An influence that has to be factored

Wrapped In Her Knowing

Sometimes a style or pattern emerges once a person has birthed a couple of times. That is certainly the case in this story. For each of her three births the lead up period was 3 to 4 weeks of prodromal labour! Three to Four Weeks! Let that sink in. By this third birth, when the

The Next Chapter

This journey started long before the day of the birth.  Long before conception. So many chapters to this child’s story. And so when things started to happen, it felt like it had taken forever to get there and was going slow, but then all at once it felt so fast. Five days before her 40

The Line in the Sand

Their first birth experience was 40 hours of labour and then a belly birth.   Even though they had done all the things and knew from a practical place that the path could not have gone another way, it took some time to process and work through.  Like most first time birthers, they were not

A Different Birth

Just as is so often the case with sibling births, this story started long before the big day. Their first birth experience had left them feeling overwhelmed and with some questions about how it might have been different. Because she is a knowledge seeker, because he wants the best for his family, they decided to

Ever so gently

It was only a few days after her 40 week date, and she had been experiencing contractions all night.  They were inconsistent and she didn’t think they were intense enough to pay attention to. So she was laying in bed trying to rest, and then she suddenly felt wetness. Her waters had ruptured every so

In their own time

“Hi! So started having some back pain about two hrs ago. Took a shower and drank a glass of water and laid down. Just had three contractions about 9-10 mins apart Just wanted to give you a heads up What should I do now? Lol”   And so it began.  We would like to think

She had a plan

Birth is most reliably unpredictable. Unpredictable in ways that are hard to imagine. Doulas will always tell you to expect the unexpected, but until you live it you can’t know what that means! This parenting duo had taken the classes, heard the stories, done the reading, chosen a care provider they were comfortable with and

Digging Deep

This birthing duo had some unusual decisions to make long before we got to the birth.  Living in a rural city that doesn’t have a birthing facility meant they had to choose between a highway drive to a neighbouring city while in labour or relocating to a bigger centre to wait for the baby to

The journey home

2018 was the year of wild birth stories, and this one is right up there full of surprise and absolutely unexpected! There is something about being pregnant that has the potential to bring out the ‘knowing’ that we all have. This Birther was always full of questions about this new journey she was on, but

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When your “work” is support, you do your best work if you are supported. And so the collaboration that is Foundations is really just how we are “walking our talk”.

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